Chiropractic Videos

How Chiropractic Works

Videos and other educational material

Why Are You Feeling Pain?

Mildly dysfunctional spine

Pain is Informative

Fire Alarm - Put out the Fire.

The brain is a dynamic organ that changes.  Research suggests that chiropractic care can have an influence on how the brain functions.

Sensory Integration is essential for adapting for changing conditions.

Understanding Subluxations - the mechanisms of cause and the cycle that is initiated - provided by Dr Heidi Haavik.

These links lead to an off-site video in a new tab. 

1.  This video shows what happens to the spine when an area is stressed or strained and provides a good description of the effects of chiropractic care.

Treating Children with Chronic Back Pain.
This video addresses the role chiropractic can play in helping children with chronic pain.
(If the links do not work, please copy and paste the address into a new window on your browser.)


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